
Sunday, November 1, 2015

My journey into the blue zone on Island of Ikaria Greece

                                                         Island of Ikaria 

                                                 Join us in our Journey
                                                   Into the Blue Zone


It all started after we had seen Bill Weirs the "Wonder list "There are 5 places on the globe where scientists are studying  health and longevity. One is on a  tiny Island located in the Aegean Sea called Ikaria we chose this for our destination, with a desire to learn more.
We boarded The Helllenic sea ways Ferry departing from Pireas bay in Athens to  Agios Kirikos Ikaria, we stopped at several  islands, after 8 hours of traveling we arrived in port at 11:30pm, It was a long journey but we had finally arrived and we can't wait to share what we learned.
                                                                   Agios Kirikos
                                                       Samos in the background 
In the Morning we made  our way  from the south side across  to the North side of the mountainous and ever changing terrain from rocky craggy mountains to amazing vistas, beautiful seas.



                                   Green lush forests, vineyards,  fruit trees and pastures
                                                          Fresh Figs there for the taking

             Beehives perched upon rocky  ledges, with wild flowers & herbs at every turn of the road

                                                   Beautiful ever changing azure seas



As we were driving with the windows wide open I took a deep breath in, it seemed as though someone had washed the air. We later learned that Ikaria is a self sustaining island, unlike many of the Greek islands where water is a major issue, Ikaria seems to have a never ending supply of it, surprisingly at the end of August  many parts of the island were still amazingly green. When the financial crisis was in full bloom, I heard over and over again we have everything we need right here on the island no need to worry, the only problems we encountered , gas stations ran out of gas a few times  and  one time  the ATM ran out of money, when my husband turned to a Icarian Yia Yia (grandmother)he said you will be ok,you have your gardens and homes, what will we do we can't pay for accommodations or food or gas if we can't access our money?She turned to us dead serious, you will come stay with us we have plenty.  We experienced the generous spirit of the Ikarians over and over again during our stay.
                                                          Hospitality at its best
                                                            No locked doors here

We spent the Majority of our time at the Balconi studios in Kampos, the studios are centrally  located on the north side  of a mountain overlooking the tiny villages and the sea below 


                                                          Views of Aegean Sea


                                               Host and Hostess Paschale & Marianna

What sets the Balconi studios apart from other  beautiful locations, are the host and hostess,
They take it to a whole different level, sharing homemade dinners, vegatables from their gardens, homemade wine, fresh eggs, chickens, medicinal honey .They also taught us how to forge for fresh medicinal herbs,
cook Ikarian meals,milk a goat, shared secret swimming holes and  hidden caves, they  also shared stories of their beloved island as well as legends, lore and countless adventures.

                                           Marianna attempting to teach me Greek dancing

                                                       "Here is what we learned"

                                      "  Ikarotes Secrets of Health and Longevity "
                                              Leisurely delicious farm to table meals
                                     Hours are spent with family or friends at the dinner table



                                                      Self sustaining island   
                       Ikarotes have their own gardens, vineyards, goats, cows 
                                   what they  don't grow or raise they barter for
                                            Everyone has their own garden

                                         Seemingly endless supply crystal clear Water


                                           Daily  Swimming part of their Rituals

                                           Ikarotes will spend a good hour in the 
                                                           Water Socializing 

                                                              Plant  based diet 

                                                          Local Olive oil

                                          Occasionally "meat " of course grass fed" 
                                                       Or in this case a tree
                                             Wild goat eaten on special occasions & festivals

                                                           Medicinal honey

                                                        Mountain Teas

                                                      Fresh in season Fruits

                                               Wild herbs for cooking  and medicinal use

                                               Immortal  Waters Of Ikaria in Chylosirtis 
                                          There is one location where water flows from the 
                                     Mountains Icarian's will drink a glass a day for a few weeks


                                                              Medicinal Hot Springs


                                                                Outside Hot springs

                                             Sense of Purpose

                                                           Local  Wine

                                                         Faith and Spiritually 


                                                       Family Values
                                          Traditional wedding bed and Feast       

                                                          Balance of play and work

                                                         Sense of Community

                                          Panagias where villagers come together to eat
                               dance, drink the local wines till the sun rises in the morning


                                    Goat products milk, cheese,wild goat meat

                                                      .   Homemade goat cheese

                                                              It takes a Village
Elders are treated with love & respect and are considered valuable members of the community

                                                           Passion for life
                                                    Age doesn't mean limitations 

        You will find no gyms on Ikaria ,daily living walking hills doing daily chores are their gyms

                             There are No nursing homes we care for each other
                                                      Love  of tradional Ikarotes Songs
                         Every man women and child knows all the words  to their traditional music

.                                                         Saying on the island 
                                           "leave your watches and worries behind"

            There is no speciality expensive organic food, it's just how we grow our food here! 
                                                                Horta (wild greens)


We had our first breakfast in the village of Evidilos, my husband asked if there was bacon, the owner 
Took of her apron walked across the square to the local market bought the bacon came back put her apron back on and my husband said "cooked the best breakfast I ever had."Needless to say it became one of our favorite restaurants.    

                                                           Any thing is possible 
                                                                   Work Ethics


As I thought about the things I had seen and learned on Ikaria, it reminded me of a simpler life when I was a child when there weren't all these conveniences. Maybe just maybe this  was the true secret to Ikaria!

As the sunsets  on Ikaria and we ready ourselves to leave this magical island, we take with us a renewed Passion for good food, health,friendships  and appreciation for all that this beautiful Island has to offer, We made so many memories, formed lifelong friendships and have a strong desire to return to this Island called Ikaria.