
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Pezoules Garden Terracing

Pezoules  located below stone house

Pezoules are a form of  garden terracing often found in mounainous regions.This type of farming on hillsides prevents soil from eroding, losing its valuable nutrients. Of course our pezoules were buried underneath bushes, brambles, bamboo. We have spent  our winter  months, cleaning pezoules, preparing  them for spring planting, it has not been a easy feat, brambles had Teddy looking like he had tangled with a wild Bobcat.

Bamboo & Brambles
Pezoule 1 Chicken coop
Pezoule  2 Vegatable  garden
Pezoule 3 Olive & fruit trees

 Stone house: 1st draft is complete, we are over the moon with  Kosta's design. 
First floor: Main house consists of kitchen, dining room, 1.5 bathrooms, Master bedroom,pantry, large outdoor terrace.
Second floor: Studio apartment for family &friends , kitchen, b/r, sleeping loft, terrace, Master bedroom with its own Balcony, amazing Sea &Mountain views.
 Villa Notias

 Hospitality of our neighbors has been nothing short of  amazing , supplying us with use of their water, electricity, preparing trays of  freshly baked bread, creamy goat cheese, traditional Greek coffee. 

Coffee  break


Preparing  connect water lines

    Permitting  process has been excruciating. We are still awaiting forestry approval for new addition we applied for September 2020. Also needed is a permit for existing roof. We learned there wasn't a permit pulled some 10 years ago when it was put on, which was typical for this time period. House Plans still have to go too Island of Samos for its stamp of  approval.
   Deed is ready but cannot  be executed till we get a permit for the illegal roof.  It's not allowed  to connect electrical meter till all windows & doors are installed. We didn't want to place our order for  windows & doors till we have our deed in hand. Anyway you get the picture, everytime we climb over a hurdle another one appears behind  it. We  had been warned early on about dealing with Greek systems, let me tell you they weren't joking! I've read alot on line about this, our take away & our new mantra.
     BE PATIENT, keep your eye on prize, it will all be worth it in end.


We have been asked a lot about weather during winter months. Its not what one would expect when you hear about a Greek  Island We were taken by surprise in  January when it snowed left a couple of inches  on ground. Mostly though  it's been windy, rainy, raw. Temperatures occasionally in low 30's, average in 50's, wind makes  it feel much colder. Silver lining to all  this, after every wild storm we are rewarded with a spectacular rainbow. 

After every storm is a  beautiful rainbow