
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas 🎄 came early Ikaria

Our first Christmas fire

We want to share a little of what Christmas  looks like on Ikaria. Christmas  has arrived  early for us here on Island,    best present we could think of. After one half years we have received our building permit to start our addition.

 Large terraces to be built, for relaxing in a hammock, basking in Mediterranean sun, simply enjoying a glass wine whilst enjoying views of mountains  azure 🌊 seas.

A cozy nook next fireplace, inspire, dream, plan, Heart of our home."The Kitchen" I only hope I can do justice to newly, beautifully renovated blank canvas.

Blank canvas

Next year we have hopes to hang a  festive Christmas wreath on our stunning, newly hung front door.

  Custom made front door made by Ikarian  craftsman 

Shutters &Windows made by local craftsman


Visiting our friends neighbors Periklis & Stella, eating mezes(appetizers) grilled mushrooms foraged by Periklis.  While tasting new production of red wine from their vineyard. I was curious asked what foods were prepared for Christmas dinner.  Pork, lamb, beef, turkey, whatever person chooses to put on their table. They would prepare Goat. We are grateful to break bread on Christmas Day with our friends, neighbors.
Stella warming by her cozy fire

Periklis  roasting mushrooms
We also have a favorite Kafenio, named Avga, located in port  Evdilos where we go to drink cappuccinos, tea, chat with locals. It doesn't  hurt it has speedy internet service, lovely views of Ikarian sea, warm welcoming  atmosphere. A Charming Christmas tree made from driftwood that has washed ashore 
sits prettily atop a wooden table.

Taking a Sunday drive through winding mountainous  roads, I spot a picturesque stream waiting for its photo to be taken.

We were heading to one of our favorite, funky Tavernas for dinner, where chairs are hung on walls, a clock that doesn't work , a tiny chessboard set up waiting for its players. Unusual wall art, Overly decorated Christmas tree adds to unusual,cluttered,  quirky atmosphere.  But If you want traditional, tasty Greek food Paskalia is the place.

Teddy and I want to wish  for our family, friends the gift of Health. May peace  fill our weary fearful hearts. May family friends once again be able to gather around same table, may all be welcomed with a big bear hug, kiss on cheek. We Pray 🙏  for a kinder, more forgiving, united world, where children can safely go to school with no mask covering their beautiful smiles, play outdoors without fear of being harmed. Lets come together and not be torn apart. Lets help those less  fortunate  than ourselves. Let's not forget golden rule our parents taught us. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
   Last but not least we wish you joy& love all year round!

         Merry Christmas happier brighter New Year 2022

Us attempting  a selfie
Merry Christmas 🎅 



Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Signing


After waiting for one  year, over top Beauracy, 
 enough paperwork to kill a tree, plenty of hair pulling moments. 
 It's ours, Signed, Sealed & delivered, on September 3rd. 
We want to share a walk down memory lane with you.

Goat shed to Kitchen " before"


Location of farmhouse sink

Airy Kitchen

Scarey  dining room

Dining Room & Wine room

Abandoned  table 

Front Terrace

Front Terrace before & After

Ugly duckling to a Swan 

 Future Plan with minor tweaking (topography  not accurate )

Still hard to believe this beautiful stone was underneath all that cement 

 Now  we are  legal owners, we'll submit plans & application for new addition. History has taught us, could take months, hoping for best plan for worst.

  Our work is far from over, restorations about 80% complete.
 Addition will include a second floor studio apartment with a large terrace  as pictured above, 1st floor master bedroom  master bath, guest bathroom,
Large pantry/cold storage room,kitchen, large terrace for dining, grilling, relaxation!

Looking for feedback 
 who's been following our story 
Yay or Nay  on tile color

Thank you for joining us on our journey can't wait to see what future holds
Stay healthy all our best wishes Teddy&Kathy






Sunday, June 6, 2021

Stone Sink

Old Terrace

   Work has begun on front terrace. We are excited to get project underway. Mitsoe, will start restoration to old wall. We are adding a stone sink, area for potting plants. Plant sharing  is a popular practice here. I really love this custom, not only am I using indigenous plants, but cost saving factor is substantial. We have been gifted over sixteen  plants,as well as much coveted heritage seeds from our  neighbors. Anyone who knows me, I'd  rather buy a plant than clothes. 


   Mitsoe son, Elvis has gone to Droutsoulas, a small village located in middle of Island, he  has knowledge of area known for its exquisite marble stones.  There they will excavate the stone by hand, tools.  Then proceed to load them onto a small pickup  truck, transport back to our property, no easy feat, stones weigh 230 kilos. 
In many ways Ikaria is behind rest of world by some 50 years, I think thats  just one of things I like best about it.

507 lbs

Marble unloading 

                           Elvis, begins chiseling, shaping marble
                                                into rustic sink. 


       We found a solid brass dragonhead vrisi 18 euros, in a small village shop in Evdilos, perfect accessory for our stone sink.

Brass faucet 


We can't wait to relax on our terrace,  with a cup coffee, glass of wine, friends , family.

Yyeia (health)

   I want to share a story that has nothing at all to do with house, but lends itself to  quirkiness of Island. Teddy and I have a ritual, every morning we drive to our favorite  bakery, buy a loaf freshly made warm  bread, in village of Akamatra. We pass by Stamate's fruit stand where we purchase local fruits, vegatables, fresh eggs. We continue on across mountaintop heading to the Stone house on a bumpy dirt road. It is there in middle of nowhere our car decides to break down.

We call Haralabis, at local garage ask for a tow truck. TOW TRUCK?
We don't have a tow truck, he says with amusement in his voice. Bewildered  we ask what do we do then? Leave the car where it is!
Now describe what's wrong with it, ok I know what it is, he says. I will order part in Athens, it will come in a few days by ferry, I will send my mechanic up  to fix it. A few days later true to his word we meet mechanic in middle of nowhere with his little bag of tools. 

Very  skeptical he has right part, tools ect. to do the job.
 Sure enough with no fancy machines, a few rusty tools , about 25 minute's later we are happily on our way.



Saturday, May 1, 2021

Picture speaks 1000 words

Roof top terrace

Left side after cement  removal  & power washing 

Scarey house

Future dining room 

What lies beneath all that Cement



Sunday, March 21, 2021

Springtime in Greece



Springtime in Greece is nothing short of spectacular. Senses have awakened, with striking vivid colors, as well as stunning blossoms  carpeting entire Island. Fragrant scents  from wild flowers, herbs, drift through the air.Cerulean Seas alongside rugged stones, captivates eye.

Cerulean Seas 

 Everywhere you look, Bee's are seen  hovering atop beautiful wildflowers.
I have'nt experienced seeing or hearing so many bee's before. Now I  know where saying comes from.   
Busy as a Bee

  Bee keepers distribute prettily painted Bee hives,that are seen dotting tops of mountain-side. In a previous post, I mentioned, Ikarian honey is famous worldwide for its heavenly taste, more imporantly medicinal qualities. Island has several varieties, Anama is considered most medicinal, Pefco honey comes from pine, Spring honey from flowers. Locals have been heard to say its a natural Viagra.  Folklore or truth? 

Bee Hives
  Not only are flowers, bee's awakening, Island itself is coming alive.  Ikarians can be seen tilling their gardens, planting early vegatables, potatoes,onions, lettuce. Vineyards being cleaned, pruned, tilled preparing for arrival of succulent grapes.

Vineyards  awakening 

Terracotta pots, along with  painted olive oil cans, begin to appear on terraces, balconies, filled with a variety colorful blooms.
Olive oil cans

  Taverna owners can be seen repairing their wind damaged thatched roofs. Newly painted cafe tables, chairs, stacked high, waiting to be  placed outdoors, in hopes there will be a tourist season.

  Newly  born baby goats, with wobbly legs follow their moms, leaping from rock to rock. I was lucky enough to cuddle my neighbors one week old    baby goat. While holding her I realized Springtime offers a feeling  of hope,renewal, better days to come.

One week old baby 🐐 

   Much too our  surprise & delight, wheels have begun to turn slowly. Architect has told us we can begin work on existing structure while we wait for permitting process. To say we are excited, is an understatement.

       Mitsoe, his son, two helpers, possess knowledge, skills, craftsmanship, of  the lost art Master Stonemason. Mitsoe for last  30 years has been  renovating Stone houses on Ikaria. He learned his  trade at a young age, in his homeland  of Albania 🇦🇱 .Teddy and I agree we are lucky to have secured Mitsoe, his crew,to restore Frantato Stone house.


    To begin renovations, reqires removing existing Sovas, inside out!  

 Removing Sovas

  It's hard to believe under all that cement is a beautiful  stone house waiting to be uncovered. Sovas was done back in day when they thought cement would reinforce a house.  Equates to paint being removed from wood, uncovering its natural beauty. I have to admit  I am both skeptical, apprehensive this diamond in rough can be transformed into a charming farmhouse.

Can this really be transformed? 

  Mitsoe will pressure wash stone inside and outside, after all plaster  is removed, Armoloi is then applied in between stone. Armoloi is a mixture  of cement, porcelain,sand.  Special bonding  porcelain is found only off coast of Santorini. This unique porcelain bonds, strengthens  mixture. Electricians will  lay his  rough wiring  then wires are covered with armoloi mixture.
Before renovation begins

We will update you on our progress.

  I must share  this story, as I am so touched by it. Every morning  my husband opens door, steps outside, checks weather, admire view, breathe in fresh air.  I hear him  say, you have flowers out here again.

Calla lily

  Almost weekly since Springtime  has arrived,  we've discovered beautiful  bouquets of wild 💐  flowers  wrapped in foil, just outside our door. At first, we weren't sure who was leaving them, we had our suspicions. One night we could hear movement on terrace, Teddy peeked through curtains saw Angliki, an Ikarian lady who lives up hill from us, carefully placing exquisite  blooms on our stoop. I am so moved by generosity, kindess of  Ikarians it inspires me to try to do  better, be  better.

Ikarians hospitality 

