
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Springtime in Greece



Springtime in Greece is nothing short of spectacular. Senses have awakened, with striking vivid colors, as well as stunning blossoms  carpeting entire Island. Fragrant scents  from wild flowers, herbs, drift through the air.Cerulean Seas alongside rugged stones, captivates eye.

Cerulean Seas 

 Everywhere you look, Bee's are seen  hovering atop beautiful wildflowers.
I have'nt experienced seeing or hearing so many bee's before. Now I  know where saying comes from.   
Busy as a Bee

  Bee keepers distribute prettily painted Bee hives,that are seen dotting tops of mountain-side. In a previous post, I mentioned, Ikarian honey is famous worldwide for its heavenly taste, more imporantly medicinal qualities. Island has several varieties, Anama is considered most medicinal, Pefco honey comes from pine, Spring honey from flowers. Locals have been heard to say its a natural Viagra.  Folklore or truth? 

Bee Hives
  Not only are flowers, bee's awakening, Island itself is coming alive.  Ikarians can be seen tilling their gardens, planting early vegatables, potatoes,onions, lettuce. Vineyards being cleaned, pruned, tilled preparing for arrival of succulent grapes.

Vineyards  awakening 

Terracotta pots, along with  painted olive oil cans, begin to appear on terraces, balconies, filled with a variety colorful blooms.
Olive oil cans

  Taverna owners can be seen repairing their wind damaged thatched roofs. Newly painted cafe tables, chairs, stacked high, waiting to be  placed outdoors, in hopes there will be a tourist season.

  Newly  born baby goats, with wobbly legs follow their moms, leaping from rock to rock. I was lucky enough to cuddle my neighbors one week old    baby goat. While holding her I realized Springtime offers a feeling  of hope,renewal, better days to come.

One week old baby 🐐 

   Much too our  surprise & delight, wheels have begun to turn slowly. Architect has told us we can begin work on existing structure while we wait for permitting process. To say we are excited, is an understatement.

       Mitsoe, his son, two helpers, possess knowledge, skills, craftsmanship, of  the lost art Master Stonemason. Mitsoe for last  30 years has been  renovating Stone houses on Ikaria. He learned his  trade at a young age, in his homeland  of Albania 🇦🇱 .Teddy and I agree we are lucky to have secured Mitsoe, his crew,to restore Frantato Stone house.


    To begin renovations, reqires removing existing Sovas, inside out!  

 Removing Sovas

  It's hard to believe under all that cement is a beautiful  stone house waiting to be uncovered. Sovas was done back in day when they thought cement would reinforce a house.  Equates to paint being removed from wood, uncovering its natural beauty. I have to admit  I am both skeptical, apprehensive this diamond in rough can be transformed into a charming farmhouse.

Can this really be transformed? 

  Mitsoe will pressure wash stone inside and outside, after all plaster  is removed, Armoloi is then applied in between stone. Armoloi is a mixture  of cement, porcelain,sand.  Special bonding  porcelain is found only off coast of Santorini. This unique porcelain bonds, strengthens  mixture. Electricians will  lay his  rough wiring  then wires are covered with armoloi mixture.
Before renovation begins

We will update you on our progress.

  I must share  this story, as I am so touched by it. Every morning  my husband opens door, steps outside, checks weather, admire view, breathe in fresh air.  I hear him  say, you have flowers out here again.

Calla lily

  Almost weekly since Springtime  has arrived,  we've discovered beautiful  bouquets of wild 💐  flowers  wrapped in foil, just outside our door. At first, we weren't sure who was leaving them, we had our suspicions. One night we could hear movement on terrace, Teddy peeked through curtains saw Angliki, an Ikarian lady who lives up hill from us, carefully placing exquisite  blooms on our stoop. I am so moved by generosity, kindess of  Ikarians it inspires me to try to do  better, be  better.

Ikarians hospitality 



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