
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Fruits of Our Labor

 Lemon Tree Very Pretty

Five months have passed since we officially became owners of property in Frantato. Plans have been approved, Gigantic boulders blasted away. P
ermits are in place, go ahead for new addition. Progress is being made.

Elias Jackhammers dynamite hole

 After dynamite pictures  of Backyard

Kalamata Olive ๐Ÿซ’  Lemon ๐Ÿ‹ Orange ๐ŸŠPeach tree's have been delivered, waiting for us choose a perfect spot to thrive, grow, bear fruit. We have chosen mature tree's for their ability to produce fruit this summer. So excited to have these beauties as part of our landscape. There is nothing quite like biting  into delicious, juicy, piece of fresh fruit.
I have purchased a beautiful hand woven basket  made here in Ikaria, just for that purpose, hopefully too fill it with fresh fruits.

I would be lying if I didn't say our yard is overwhelming. 
Very few spots where we can dig, plant, flower gardens, tree's, due to rocky terrain. We'll  have to come up with some pretty creative ideas for our landscaping. Most of our plants will be in Terracota  pot's, strategically placed around terraces. 

Planted Citronella/lemon Grass & Lavender 
Mosquito  ๐ŸฆŸ  repellent properties 

Rustic Herb garden: Thyme, Parsley, Mint

Saltillo Stone Tiles for our kitchen & Dining room have arrived  from ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น Italy, are installed. For me this is most exciting stressful part, making decisions on finish work. Kitchen is a blank canvas, we hope to achieve a functional, warm, inviting, rustic kitchen design. 

Looking for Inspiration

Visions locally handmade farm table 
For our Dining room 

The challenge we face living on a remote island of Greece, buying  materials for renovations. Some things are readily available, but are choices very limited.  Example of this, hardware for our cabinets, there may be only three styles to choose from on whole Island. Best option we have, online shopping. Downside, you can't evaluate color, quality till arrives on Island.

Aegean Ferry

Imagine we  bought a beautiful heavy weight brass knob for our front door, only for it to be wrong size, we send it back on ferry, it's picked up by vendor at port in Athens, exchanged for smaller size, ferry won't depart from Athens for a few days because its running on winter schedule. Finally arriving back at port of Evdilos, delivered by courier, maybe 5 to 7 days later. I think you get picture. Waiting can be excruciating, slows down progress. Especially when we  already had contractor here to install, now we will have to wait for him to return. Ikarians  cannot and will not be rushed.

Traveling door knob

A shopping trip to Athens is much needed, alas with covid, seven hour ferry trip back & forth, winter boat schedule, its not something that can be easily done. If I am honest, I'm missing  luxury of dashing over to home depot, with its multitude  of choices. We are blessed in United States to have so many options available to us.


To curtail some of these issues, we have pared down our usa ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ household items, what's left has been sent over on a container ship, to Greece. Vessel left Boston Harbor December 1st 2021, arrived safely Evdilos port of Ikaria, February 14th 2022.

Delivery from States

Included in shipment, a beautiful Teak Steamer Chair  purchased at garage sale for only $25.00. Teddy lovingly refurbished to its original state. It will fit perfectly on our front terrace, underneath shady Moira tree. Perfect for those revered afternoon naps, recommended by Blue Zones lifestyle. On  Ikaria, do not call between hours of 2pm-4pm, this is their siesta time, you'll find  many local shops closed during these time's. 

Cozy corner

 For now I am using lounge chair inside, reading, relaxing, enjoying morning sun, but mostly to escape the pandemonium of construction going on  outside.

Farmhouse light fixture 
Dining room

Included in our shipment, Rustic farmhouse light fixtures, bought while we were at home visiting on our last trip. Fixtures of course  will have to be converted from 110 to 220  Electrician assured us it can be done safely. Surrounding  ourselves sentimental items, family photos ,will make our house into a home

Welcome to our Home


  1. Thank you its been a real challenge, we can see a dim light at end of tunnel

  2. Thank you its been a real challenge, we can see a dim light at end of tunnel

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š addition is starting this week so excited
