
Sunday, January 1, 2023


Winged sandals


Greek God Hermès adorns corners our of red tiled,  Mediterranean roof

Hermès Greek God protector of traveller's, thieves,merchants,
known to all for his winged sandals

 We  have a lot to be grateful for as we near end of 2022.  
Been a challenging, sometimes frustrating, yet rewarding year. 

Patience is a Virtue 

 Renovating a house, tests both patience, resiliency of even strongest of marriages. My husband & I are both passionate people, we have had to learn to yield, bend to each other. Testing ourselves, patience, more than any other time in our marriage. 
 After taking on this project, we can truly understand movie, Money Pit!
Learning to Yield

 Oddly enough Greeks aren't required to obtain an occupancy permit. Nor has any inspectors come to inspect our home at anytime. 
Our only guidance, has come from Architect Kosta, talented, skilled,workers, who have been building on Ikaria's Island since 7th century. We couldn't be happier with results.
 Hero of whole project is my husband Teddy. He has a working knowledge of construction after serving many years in trades. He has been there every step of way, working tirelessly to assure everything done correctly.

Foreman extraordinaire 

 Outside stonework is complete, awaiting a barbecue, railings to finish off terraces. 

 Inside, ceilings, plastered walls await Teddys finishing touch of fresh paint. Tiles, wood floors need to be installed.
Kitchen marble countertop will be mined, shipped, from  north of Greece. Island to be built by local well known for his amazing woodworking skills. Top is to be hand crafted from stunning olive wood. 

Stairway to Heaven 

 2023 looks to be epic year as we grow near to finish line. Plan is, to move in as soon as Moroccan  bathroom is done. I am anxiously waiting to see how finished project turns out.

 It's been a long, bumpy, arduous journey . In near future we'll  be setting up temporary  residence in restored portion of house, whilst work continues on rest of property.
It's  been  well over 2 1/2 years since we owned our own place, I can't wait for day to finally wake up
                        In Our Home Sweet Home

Our wish & prayers for all of you in 2023. God please protect our children, grandchildren, family, friends. 
Keep them safe from harm. Grant them gift of peace in their hearts & good health. For those struggling, reach out to each other to offer love &support. May our hearts minds heal, pray for a kinder, gentler world for all.


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