
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ikarian Medicinal herbs

                                                               Silybum Marianum 
                                                                        Blessed milk thistle

Blessed Milk thistle
                                                                  Liver Detox
We bought this in a seed form Kira Maria according to the herb expert here on the island 
You crush the seed , boil water, add a small amount of the crushed seed, let steep. Drink this tea for only one week then stop. I looked this up on Mother Earth site for other medicinal  uses, lowers blood sugars, pain reliever, fights infections, can decrease BP, lower cholesterol. If you experience diarrhea stop tea. 
Kira Maria  sells Herbs Tea's at Monastery 
                                                   Frascomilo  mountain tea
Properties Mountain Tea 
According Ikarians

Wild Oregano 

Properties Oregano



Saint Johns Wort ((Balsalm oil)

    Properties Antibacterial, antioxidants, Astringent, Carminative. Savory can be used  fresh or dried.In cooking or teas. Marianna uses it for salad dressing, she puts a handful of savory in a glass jar,with a good quality olive oil, infuses for 40 days.

Herbs drying at Monastery of Theoktis

                                                     Origanum vulgare wild marjoram

Figs drying outside Monastery 

Figs as you know are not a herb , but are also considered  to be an amazing and healing fruit.
At end  of August the trees are heavy with fruit, they are good for asthma, diabetes,Constipation, anemia. 

Studies are being conducted in Athens to find out why Ikarian herbs are more potent than other Greek islands.
Herbs are incorporated in the Ikarians day to day lifestyle, they cook with it they use it for medicinal purposes, they drink it in their tea along with their amazing honey, infuse it into their olive oil  for salad dressings.
Another reason that may contribute longevity. 
Flowers &bees

*The hand written explanations are found at the monastery, written by unknown  author
Kira Maria only speaks Greek*

Disclaimer :Trying any of these teas, herbs,remedies recommend consulting with your Doctor.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Monastery Theokitis

                                                                   Translated Roof of God.

Located in the mountains in a small village called Pigi is a  very special place, here you will find a  Monastery  ( nuns left  here 1982)  it is now looked after by a dedicated elder KiraMaria you will also find a 1700century church, relics and as pictured above a small but amazing chapel built from and into the rocks.

                                    Sign marking turn onto dirt road to Monastery

             Peaceful place the walkways are lined with brilliant beautiful flowers.
1700 Church is in need of paint and repairs but because of its age it's a expensive undertaking to restore it to its original state requiring special techniques.
                                             Inside Theoktisti Church
                        KiraMaria lovingly explains the paintings on the wall from 1700 century

Outside are chairs and tables where herbs are drying later to be sold for the upkeep of the 
Relics found at the Monastery 
Kitchen of Kira Maria  located on the grounds where collected herbs are being dried, honeys, along with a few handmade items and of  the course  the locals and one our favorite as well, homemade Loukoumades drizzled with honey, all for sale with the proceeds going for the upkeep of the grounds and church.

Their are many legends surrounding this monastery, we will return to Theokitisti  to hear them  directly from their caretaker KiraMaria and post what she shares along with the herbs and their medicinal properties on our next blog.

Religion is a very important  part of the Ikarians day to day life,  could this be another reason why they
Live long and healthy lives. Faith in God  and the Greek Orthodox Religion.








Monday, August 24, 2015

Greek Mountain Tea (Faskomilo)


Greek Mountain Tea  Sage

         Collected  in the  dry high rocky craggy  areas of Ikaria  at the end of  summer is the cherished mountain plant wild sage.
        We discoverer an area outside of the village of Frantato, on a side of the mountain covered with this  plant. You can smell it before you see it. We set about collecting sage, till we had 2 large bags full.    
While we are collecting we can see and hear wild goats, curiously peeking at us as we set about our task, filling canvas sacks.
Curious Goats


         This plant may be a strong anti-inflammatory ,may be considered effective for colds, sore throats , may have anti cancer properties, effective wound healing, may also help in treatment type 2 diabetes.
Being studied  treatment in Alzheimer's, may promote mood, help improve memory.
Studies conducted in Athens, Ikarian herbs are more potent than any other of Greek Islands.
We took our mountain sage home rinsed it, set it in a cool dry  shaded area to allow it to dry.
Allow to completely dry

Description found Monastery  in Pigi
Kira Maria caretaker  at Monastery  Theoktis

          Faskomilo tea
         To prepare Faskomilo 
         Bring water to a rolling boil
         Add 1-2 sprigs to pot
         Cover and let steep for 7 minutes 
         Teaspoon of  honey

Ingredients  Mountain  Tea

       Chinese the Greeks and the gypsies all believe that sage is the key to long life. Here on Ikaria you can find Mountain sage tea in every house and I am told the elders drink this alone with other types Mountain Tea's, drank daily especially during winter month's. Wild Oregano, Rosemary, Mint,Chamomile, Fennel,  with Ikarian honey for enjoyment, medicinal , therapeutic properties.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Harvest time on Ikaria

Harvest time in Ikaria, it is mid August and  the gardens here are thriving, the fig trees which are found everywhere on this island are heavy with fruits Just find a tree that looks good to you, pick what you can eat and a few for your fruit bowl at home. I had never experienced a fresh fig, I didn't even  know what they looked like, at home I had only seen them in their dried shriveled up state even at that I always thought figs were tasty, untilI tasted my first fresh fig.
                                 My Hubby stops at the roadside to pick some fresh figs
                            Grapes are almost ready, but a rainy spring has delayed them a bit.

                     Blog  later specifically dedicated to the harvest  of these magnificant grapes
                        Photo of a pomegranate we took in June will be ready t pick in August  .


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Panigiri (Greek village Festival)

Ikaria is famous for it's Panigiri ! What is a Panigiri you ask it's a festival put on by the   Village, each one being unique in its own way just as Ikaria is different and unique from her sister Islands. Panigiri involves eating, drinking, dancing, socializing, raffles, prizes.
                                           Guess who won the raffle?
It's not for the faint heart,  it  begins after dusk and some start in morning and go on well into the next day. 100% of the money raised at the festival goes to village that puts on the festival.The funds are used to repair roads, churches, schools,or if a local needs financial help, it is voted on and decided by the villagers where it is most needed. All who work the festival and cook are volunteers. 


Wild goat is on the menu you pay about $40.00 kilo a brown paper is spread out on the tables and you dive in, 
donated local red wine flows all night, oh I forgot to mention goat broth, one Ikariote mans the vat of goat broth, filling everyone's soup bowls. 
                                                         Serving up the broth

                                                                         Goat Broth
                                                Vat full of Goat Broth
Usually a Church is located in the the center of the festivities and you can see people all night going in and out of their church, to offer up a prayer, light a candle for a loved one, or just to be close to God.  Religion is a very important part of their day to day life.
On August 15th The most well attended Panigiri held in the village of  Laggada with over 3000 people coming from all over Greece. This Panigiri is  held high in the mountains, the festival begins  in the morning and goes all day and into the next, the same band will play the entire time with no breaks in the music, the guy with the mandolin will play, then the guy with the violin will take over Then a instrument called a  Pipiza made out of goat skins  (the Greeks version of a bagpipe ) takes over so on and so on. 
                                                  Bazooki Instrument 


There are Panigiri all over the island this day to celebrate Mother Mary's Name day. We opted  out of the large celebration in Laggada to go to a quaint village Panigiri.
The setting was among plantain trees, lit lanterns, stone walls, wooden benches and tables.


                                                      Our Group

                            Panigiri are attended  and enjoyed by all age groups.

            Rings of traditional dancers  young and old get bigger and bigger as the night wears on.



      After 8 hours of singing, dancing, eating and socializing it's time for us to go home.
                                          I was struck by 2 things
      1st by how each village take matters into its own hand to raise and spend money, there is a real 
        Lack of politics here and more a sense of community coming together, there is no paid 
        Government the people manage their own money and do it quite well.
        It is truely amazing for me  to see every man, woman, and child come together singing and 
        Dancing to traditional music, their heads are thrown back with true bliss on their faces, the
        Young dancing with the old ,holding hands or their arms wrapped around each other.  
         Maybe this connection is another reason why they live long and well. Who would want to
        Leave this party!