
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sad Farewell to our friend Kaliope

Sweet Kaliope ❤ Heart of Trapalo  
R.I.P. 2021

Kaliope was Cook/Owner of Taverna along
with her daughter Christina. We have been told 
she use to Cook for King of Greece,
in her earlier years.

She continued cooking well into her 90's, preparing 
Traditional, delicious food's 😋  for locals,
adventurous, who would travel over mountains 
on bumpy, dusty roads, to arrive at her Taverna,
located in Village of Trapalo.

One of most charming beachside Tavernas,
Amazing crystal clear turquoise waters.

Instead we choose Agean sea route, aboard 
Captain Mihale boat. Departs from charming 
Port of Maganitis to Trapolo, 45 minute
excursion, past majestic, graphic shoreline.

All aboard
Captain  Mihale boat


Graphic Rock Formations 
 Island from Sea
Ever changing colors of Aegean 

Nestled base of mountains
 Village of Trapalo

Giorgos Greek Taxi

We are greeted by, Christina's husband, Georgie,
in his little Greek vessel. He happily ferries passenger's, 
Back/ forth, for those who choose not to
Jump off Captain Mihale boat, too swim ashore.

Teddy and I, along with many others, grab their
Snorkel gear, line up holding onto guard rail,
awaiting go ahead from Captain, that he is fully anchored,
engine is cut. We are given ok to jump into turquoise 
waters of Trapalo.
 My heart is racing with excitement, I am nearing 70,
having same feelings I had when I was 10 years old, 
jumping off bridge for first time, a combination of
fear, exhilaration as I let go plunge into water.


Giorgos at Stern ferrying  passengers 

We swim ashore, spend afternoon snorkeling, exploring beach.
While snorkeling, Marianna excitedly surfaces, shouts, Octupus, 
Its captured, brought to Kaliope to prepare Fresh calamari dish.
We are ravenous after an afternoon of Sun/fun.
We make our way up steep,
Rocky stairs to Kaliope Taverna.
My husband waiting for Kaliope 
Traditional Greek dishes served family style

Kaliope has cooked freshly caught octupus, local goat, vegetables
from her garden, Greek salad, french fries, Giorgos wine 🍷 😋
Top it off with 🎶 Greek music & dancing. 

Our faces are aglow from sun, wine, belly's full, our souls
rejuvenated. We descend steep stairs to find a shady tree
To take a nap
"Life doesn't  get better than this."

At 9pm its time to pack up our swimsuit, beach towels,
return to Captain  Mihale boat to head back to Manganites. 
Little did we know this will be  last time we would lay eyes on Kaliope.
She stood on shore waving her kitchen towel goodbye,
Captain Mihale Blasting his horn in return, as he traditionally did to bid "Farewell"
None of us realizing it would be a final goodbye.

In Memory of our Sweet Kaliope
Fly high & Free


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