
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Faces of Ikaria

Yia Yia Village of Therma: Thermal baths

Sweet memory of how my Grandfather walked
Father Mihale
Father Mihale is a retired 90 year old priest, arrived on his motorcycle,(no helmet) for a visit, glass red wine, to share his colorful, fascinating, stories. 
He had just finished working in the vineyards all day,  told 
us, not because he has to, but because he enjoys his work in sun. 
He is full of life and laughter, joy.  When it was time for him to take his leave, he shook our hands, with bone crushing handshake, goodbye, great big smile.

We asked if we could take his picture, his answer was take a 100 if you like. We see this Ikarian man walking everyday, carrying his Bucket on a stick," it looks  to me like he has the local red wine" inside the bucket. It is said an Ikarian will climb at least 20 hills  a day. 

Paschale poses with traditional goat backpack

Third generation Ikarian proudly demonstrates  bee 🐝 keepers
Tools of trade

Eleni milking her goat. Goat cheese, goat milk, goat yogurt a staple of the Island and my favorite of all goat ice cream made with mastica.

We asked this lady  if we could take her photo, we then offered  her a coffee, she says I have no time I have to feed my goats!
Stopped long enough to pose for a photo
Then she was gone

This Yia Yia has come to join in the Wedding festivities she is patiently waiting for so she can sample the hosts cooking, traditional dish of Goat.

Kyri Maria is Caretaker at Monastery Theoktis, she is there everyday making famous Loukamades. Finishes with
pouring local honey and cinnamon over the top. We indulge once a week, to drink a Greek coffee with kyri  Maria, eat warm  loukamades, enjoy majestic scenery.
She also collects and drys medicinal herbs and makes healing Tinctures, money is donated to the  upkeep of the church and the grounds.
  Captain Giorgo is proud of his Greek water taxi ferrying people back and forth to trapolo.

90 Something Ikarian Outdanced
lasted longer than anyone  
Local grocer displaying his production  of grapes
We met this Ikarote with his donkey named Arapina in the morning, shared his red grapes he had just picked from the vineyards, we shared our cookies from the bakery.
                                                     '     Isidoros and  Arapina
We ate many of the fruits and vegatables from Paschale vineyards and gardens in this case it was fried Zucchini flowers.
Sharing American favorite Watermelon
Fruit basket for celebration tonight
Dmitri car rental guy Evdilos 
Real character
One of our favorite places to enjoy a cappuccino, eat rizogalo with the owner Vagelio. A favorite  Ikarian always laughing, smiling, welcoming.

We shared so many special moments, recipes,adventures unforgettable  memories with our Host and Hostess of Balconi Studios Marianna and Paschale.

 As I  write this blog, It reminds me one of many reasons I love this island so much!
"It's the people" generous in spirit, generous with their time, always taking the time to stop and talk, to offer whatever they may have at the moment, grapes, tomatoes, a glass of red wine, cup of coffee, tea, whatever they have available at the moment they will share with you. 

A common occurrence here, coming across two cars stopped in the middle of the road having a conversation or seeing villagers dancing in the street. Simply sit wait or get out of you car join in the dance or the conversation, after song  conversation is complete, get back in your car and you drive away. 

Their pace is never hurried. There are no gyms here on Ikaria, elders are sturdy and strong with stocky builds,  climbing hills all day, tending their goats, working in the gardens or vineyards or dancing the night away. I am convinced that because of their unhurried  purposeful lifestyle is another reason they live long, well.

Stop smell flowers

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